Sound intensity is the intensity/volume of sound. Frequency is how high or low the sound is.
Am I supposed to tell you if it's right or wrong? or what...??
Answer:En los metazoos, la autodefensa celular se sinergiza con todo el cuerpo ... contra diversos virus envueltos que incluyen influenza, coronavirus, lentivirus y flavivirus (5, 11). ... Muchos virus envueltos "brotan" de la membrana celular, y varios ... Aunque la función precisa de la mayoría de las galectinas sigue siendo
Permeability is usually defined as the property of rock in which the water (liquid or fluid) can easily percolate down into the deeper zone, through the interconnected pore spaces.
There are some factors that control the permeability, such as the shape and size of the voids, void ratio and the degree of saturation.
A highly permeable rock will allow more water to percolate through the voids in comparison to a low permeable rock. This percolated water eventually mixes with the groundwater.
For example, Gravels have high permeability, and Granite has low permeability.