The correct answer is that "most of its settlers came from the Caribbean". In between the years 1662 towards 1807. Britain shipped almost more than 3.1 Million slaves across the Atlantic Ocean, wherein Africans where brought to the British owned colonies in the world. specifically the Caribbean wherein they were tasked to work on plantations daily.
If I were them, I wouldn't have wanted to be doing all the work in a whole new country, and have some other people take the money I make.
<em>Hello, your answer will be Tinker v. Des Moines. Hope That Helps! Why The Answer is Tinker V. Des Moines? Because The Internet breaks the mold The restrictions were short-lived the Supreme Court held that the restrictions on both the “display” and “transmission” of indecent communications online violate the First Amendment. And Why Did The Supreme Court the Communications Decency Act unconstitutional? Because it attempted to protect children by suppressing speech that adults have a constitutional right to receive.Th e Supreme Court did not rule on the issue, dismissing the case on a technical matter. Hope That Helps!</em>
<em>From Itsbrazts.</em>