That would be the legislative branch.
Representatives in the House and Senators are both elected by the people.
The description of the respondent would be encapsulated below.
- The Byzantine Empire seems to have been a large territorial continent with early history which could be directly attributed to 330 A.D. because once Roman Constantine I truly committed this same "Modern Rome" to either the former site Greek city.
- Although the entire west coast including its Roman Empire started to collapsed and began to fall throughout 476 A.D., creating a rich philosophy of craftsmanship, learning as well as representing as something of an armed force safeguard among both East Asia.
The Byzantines eventually disappeared throughout 1453, because when the Roman republic came running Constantinople mostly during the time in power of even more Constantine.
Problem-focused coping
According to studies conducted by psychologist Richard S. Lazarus, it can be said that he would consider what Kate is doing as Problem-focused coping. This term refers to an action or behavior undergone by an individual aimed at fixing a stressful situation or changing the source that is causing the event to become stressful. Which is basically what Kate is trying to accomplish by studying with her friends and seeing the professor after class to better understand the frustrating concepts that she did not understand in class.