Answer:The court’s decision ruled that the laws of Louisiana were not in conflict with the Constitution. The justices wrote that Plessy’s defense wrongly assumed that separate facilities somehow made one race automatically inferior to another.
Further, they ruled that if one race is already socially inferior to another, there was nothing that the Constitution or other acts of legislation could do to fix that. To this end, the majority opinion states that the Fourteenth Amendment “could not have been intended to abolish distinctions based upon color, or to enforce social, as distinguished from political, equality, or a commingling of the two races upon terms unsatisfactory to either.”
Explanation: This comes directly from the answer.
Trust vs Mistrust
Trust vs mistrust: In psychology, the term "trust vs mistrust" is considered as one of the different stages in the psychosocial development theory which was proposed by a psychologist named Erik Erikson. This is the very first stage in the theory and usually starts from the birth of the child and lasts through eighteen months of his or her age.
According to him, if a child receives reliable, consistent, and predictable care then he or she will develop a sense of trust that would help them to form a relationship with other person and will feel secure if threatened. Whereas, if a child doesn't receive all this then he or she might develop a sense of mistrust.
In the question above, the given statement signifies that Albert has difficulty with his problem falls under the trust vs mistrust stage.
Escape training/conditioning.
The <em>Skinner box</em> or operant conditioning chamber is a <em>laboratory system created to study animal behavior by American psychologist B. F. Skinner</em> (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990).
It has a mechanism that <u>conditions</u> animal behaviour by subsequent introduction of reward or punishment. In this example, the rat is <u>conditioned or in other wards is trained to escape punishment</u> in the form of the electric shock by pressing the bar.
Approach them with a good impression. Show a positive mood to let them know that you are trustworthy enough. Don't rush in the relationship. A positive relationship will come gradually.