The answer is that it <span>illustrates most clearly the defense mechanism of reaction formation.
Reaction Formation happens when a man wants to do or say something and afterward really does or says something that is viably the opposite they truly need.A reason for Reaction Formation is the point at which a man looks to conceal something unsatisfactory by embracing an inverse position.
<span>Babies that are three months old are capable of learning this, and they retain the knowledge for one month if it is not reinforced. By this point, an infant's vision is good enough that they can see the mobile above them, and not just their mother's face, which was the range of their vision at birth. Their cognitive processes are also developed enough to connect their action to the mobile's movement.</span>
La FOTOSINTESIS es el proceso mediante el cual los organismos con clorofila, como las plantas verdes, las algas y algunas bacterias, capturan energía en forma de luz y la transforman en energía química.
Una ecuación generalizada y equilibrada de la fotosíntesis sería:
El elemento H2O de la fórmula representa un compuesto oxidable, es decir, un compuesto del cual se pueden extraer electrones; CO2 es el dióxido de carbono; CHO una generalización de los hidratos de carbono que incorpora el organismo vivo.
La RESPIRACIÓN CELULAR: se lleva a cabo en una estructuras de las estructuras de la célula llamas mitocondrias.
La ecuación general de la respiración es la siguiente:
Durante este proceso se desdoble la molécula de glucosa y se separan los átomos de hidrógeno [protones y electrones] de los átomos de carbono para combinarse con los átomos de oxígeno. La energía liberada durante este proceso se utiliza para convertise el ADP (adenosindifosfato) en ATP (adenosintrifosfato).
The field of Psychoneuroimmunology examines the relationships among psychological factors (such as copying, emotions, and beliefs), the nervous system, and the functioning of the immune system.
Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is a field that has advanced in the final forty years to have a look at the relationship between immunity, the endocrine device, and the relevant and peripheral frightened systems.
humans with breast, cervical, or ovarian cancer who said feeling harassed or lonely had abnormalities in their immune systems. communique between the immune system and brain can also impact signs and symptoms which can be related to most cancers treatment, along with fatigue, depression, and trouble snoozing.
Psychoneuroimmunology is the take a look at interactions between conduct, the mind, and the immune device.
Learn more about Psychoneuroimmunology here: