<span>Low Level Clouds: CUMULUS: Fair weather cumulus clouds form when a parcel of air rises and water vapor condenses into water droplets. ...Middle Level Clouds: ALTOSTRATUS: ...High Level Clouds: CIRRUS: ...<span>Nimbus Clouds: NIMBOSTRATUS:</span></span>
<span>The closer you are to the poles of the Earth, the fewer ecological niches for species to fill. </span>
The symptoms of depression are characterized into three broad groups
1. Cognitive – The common symptoms observed include constant negative thoughts, pessimism, feeling guilty for all bad happenings around them, thinking of ending their life
2. Behavioral – These include behavioral changes occurring in a person facing depression such as poor hygiene, inefficiency in work, constant crying, anti-social thoughts and behaviour and low energy
3. Emotional – Under this head a person feel sad, lonely, worthless and hopeless.