Some studies suggest that babies placed in full-time child care before 3-5 years of age are more likely to display insecure attachment in the strange situation. <span>Attachment is the emotional bond between the child and the parent. Hope this answers the question.</span>
D. Fatty Acids
When fatty acids undergo beta-oxidation to serve as a source of ATPs, ketone bodies are produced. During starvation or medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus, carbohydrate supply to liver cells is depleted.
Once the stored glycogen has been depleted from the liver cells, the fatty acids are funneled into beta-oxidation to produce ATPs. The process also forms acetone, acetoacetate, and D-beta-hydroxybutyrate, that is the ketone bodies. The more the fatty acid molecules enter the beta oxidation, the more ketone bodies are produced.
Because the temperatures vary on high global temperatures and its economy.
Hydrolysis of triglycerides in lipoproteins
Lipoprotein lipase is a water-soluble enzyme which includes pancreatic lipase, hepatic lipase, and endothelial lipase.
Enzymes involved in triacylglycerol digestion are lipases and they catalyze the partial hydrolysis of triglycerides into a mixture of free fatty acids and acylglycerols. After digestion of lipids, monoglycerides and fatty acids associate with bile salts and phopholipids to form micelles. Micelles are structures that are necessary for the transport the poorly soluble monoglycerides and fatty acids to the surface of the enterocyte. But, micelles cannot be absorbed by epithelial cell, only freely dissolved monoglycerides and fatty acids can.
Its stomach was filled eith 30 plastic bags, and many smaller pieces of plastic. ... The whale was emaciated, and scientists believe that the plastic had gathered in such an amount in its stomach that it had created a plug, stopping the digestive process.
The cause of death appears to be starvation, though that's under investigation. Many of the stranded whales in 2019 have been malnourished, said David Weller, a research wildlife biologist with NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla, California.