Among the causes of the conflicts were the affranchis' frustrations with a racist society, turmoil created in the colony by the French Revolution, nationalistic rhetoric expressed during Vodou ceremonies, the continuing brutality of slave owners, and wars between European powers.
<span>The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, also known as the Nazi–Soviet Pact, the German–Soviet Non-aggression Pact or the Nazi German–Soviet Pact of Aggression</span>
Battle of Trenton was a pivotal battle in the American revolutionary war that took place on December 26, 1776, in Trenton. After a brief battle two-thirds if the enemy force was captured with minimal loss of American lives. The battle inspired re-enlistment and morale. After the defeats in New York, this battle really boosted the war effort and helped revitalize the spirit for the war.
Betty friedan developed a critique of womens role as a "domestic goddes" in the feminine mystique