<u>1. Johann is looking to double the profits of his lemonade stand</u>
Note that Johann was<em> still making m</em>oney from lemonade stand but was not content with the profits he was making that was his argument or reason for increasing the price of a cup of lemonade from 25 cents to 50 cents.
<em>Without having forsight</em> Johann's decision eventually resulted in him selling fewer cups at the new price and therefore making less money than before.
An interview is an official conversation between an interviewer and interviewee. The purpose of the interview is to asses whether the interviewee qualifies to hold the position. The interview process usually takes place on the employer premises. Apart from academic and work experience, the recruiting manager assesses other qualities that would make the candidate suitable to work in that organization. Such traits may include teamwork and leadership.
When conducting interviews, an employer will invite several qualified candidates. The interviewer or the interviewing panel scores each candidate and selects the best. The interview presents the candidate with an opportunity to learn fine details about a potential employer. Specific detail about the job, such as the terms and conditions, are disclosed.
The option which is an example of a debt funding source can be banks, credit unions, or any external lender.
- Debt funding is when a company raises money by marketing bonds, bills and notes, etc. to the investors
- It differs from equity financing which is selling shares of the company.
- Debt funding must be paid back at an previously agreed date.
- If the business goes under, then the lenders have more rights on the property that will be liquidated than the share holders.
Body language is necessary to read other people's true feelings and intentions. It helps you connect with them and build better relationships. In a meeting context, it helps to see the reactions of the participants: a facial expression can reveal a point of view before a word is spoken
The answer to this question is <span> B) the classical economists.
Classical economist based their assumptions on the view that market will always find a way to regulate itself without any external intervention.
In reality, many private establishments often exert their power to control a specific resource in the market in order to rake in more profit (such as what monopolist do)</span>