Identity theft
Identity theft is a serious crime in which an individual(scammer) assumes fake identity of a person in order to gain personal information of the person.
The personal information which may include date of birth, social security numbers or password gotten is then used for their personal gains which may include stealing money or other vital information and documents.
A.) Entitled not only to be paid for additional time but also to be paid overtime if she works more than forty hours in a week.
The Fair Labor standards Act of 1938 is US labour law that deals with the right to minimum wage and overtime pay if people work for over 40 hours in a weeks. It also prohibits organisations from employing the minors . The law is applicable to the employees that are employed by enterprises active in commerce of production.
FLSA was written by senator Hugo Black in 1932 but his proposal could not met with resistance in 1937. A revised version of his proposal was passed in 1938 that accepted forty hour workweek and the labours could earn wages for overtime. According to its provisions the workers would be paid minimum wage and the overtime pay should be one and a half times the regular pay.
Franklin D Roosevelt considered this act as one of the most important pieces of New Legislation.
Answer:interactionist perspective
Explanation:Social interactionist theory (SIT) is an explanation of language development emphasizing the role of social interaction between the developing child and linguistically knowledgeable adults. It is based largely on the socio-cultural theories of Soviet psychologist, Lev Vygotsky.
The interactionist approach recognises that crime and deviance is socially constructed by agencies of social control.
A. forming subgoals
In problem solving, subgoals refers to the smaller things that people can achieve which eventually will lead to the end goal. In general, Separating your end goal into subgoals can make it easier for you to track your progress and keep you motivated throughout the process.
<u>In the example above,</u>
The end goal for the students is completing the term paper assignment.
Some people might choose to just force themselves to write the whole thing in a short period of time. But that might cause them to experience a burnout and causes many mistakes on the paper.
Dividing the paper into smaller parts actually make it easier and less demanding.
The professor teach the student to do this by telling them to first submit a topic statement, then a list of references, then a draft of the introduction before eventually finish the content.