Answer: bows and arrow =men
making clothes =women
driving and unloading cart =women
taking care of horses = men
the Mongolian men were known for the war so use these for the men they had to keep there horses strong for battle and for hunting the women had to supply them
The Colonies became loyal to Massachuessets
The history of the peoples of the American continent before their meeting with Europeans in the 16th century developed independently and almost without interaction with the history of the peoples of other continents. Written monuments of ancient America are very scarce, and the available ones have not yet been read in full. Therefore, the history of the American peoples has to be restored mainly according to archaeological and ethnographic data, as well as according to the oral tradition recorded during the period of European colonization.
By the time Europeans invaded America, the level of development of its peoples was uneven in different parts of the continent. The tribes of most of North and South America were at different levels of the primitive communal system, while the peoples of Mexico, Central America, and western South America developed class relations at that time; they created high civilizations. It was these peoples who were conquered at first.
The industrial and economic developments of the Industrial Revolution brought significant social changes. Industrialization resulted in an increase in population and the phenomenon of urbanization, as a growing number of people moved to urban centres in search of employment.
He stated that he did not feel like rejoicing because the people he fought against had fought valiantly and full of pride for their cause and never faltered. He did add that although he admired their strength of belief, he did believe that the cause they chose was the worst cause in the history of mankind and that they were in the wrong.