By doing so, Humphrey is deliberately violating the principle of Respect for person's Belmont Report. The report, which was actually signed as a law protects the human beings from being subjects of research may it be medical or behavioral. Guidelines should be shared with the subjects to ensure that they are fully aware of the research being conducted.
Show that mot score lies between 80 and 100
When the score lies between 80 to 100, it is also called the average IQ score. It is the hot topic of psychology that is the part of educational psychology. The IQ test is one of the best tools to measure the intelligence score of a person.
To understand what is I Q score, first of all, it is important to know how to measure the IQ score. In many of the IQ test, the average score that is called mean is around 100. For IQ measurement we use many psychological tests. The psychometric used standardization to make the test reliable and valid. So the median score is 100.
The process mention above is called data analysis. The data analysis is where data is being managed or analyzed in order to reach a certain goal where this data could be of helped and to obtain a certain information. It has the ability of helping or lending decision making a hand for its analyzing techniques.