To find the average of an amount of numbers, we simply add them up and divide them by the amount of numbers we have. For example, if we have 1,2, and 3 as our numbers, we can see that we have three numbers. Next, we add them up to get 1+2+3=6. Lastly, we divide 6 by the amount of numbers we have (3) to get 6/3=2 as our average. Applying that here, we see that there are four numbers. Next, we add them up using a calculator to get 5,678.54+3,665.77+4,231.98+4,768.99 =18345.28 . Finally, we divide that number by the amount of numbers we have (using a calculator) to get 18345.28/4=4,586.32, making B your answer.
Feel free to ask further questions, and Happy Halloween!