La alimentación y la nutrición son dos conceptos relacionados entre sí. Podemos decir que alimentarse es la acción de comer cuando tenemos hambre, mientras que la nutrición, es un proceso biológico que tiene lugar dentro del organismo que, para llevarse a cabo, es necesario haberse alimentado.
The blood clots are built up blood that has been sitting in our uterus during our ovulation time. Our period is basically our uterus preparing for a baby (which we don’t have) so all the blood lines up on the uterus line until it’s our time of month.
Pancreas has dual system, this works as an organ of the digestive system and endocrine system that secretes important hormone. The stomach is located in the abdomen.
The pancreas releases bicarbonate ions that acts as a buffer. Pancreas secrete digestive enzymes like lipase, amylase that helps in the digestion of carbohydrates, fats , proteins and nucleic acid.
Thus, the answer is pancreas.
I wouldn't like to study zoonotic diseases as a veterinary scientist because zoonotic diseases are diseases that is passed from an animal to a human. This could potentially be life threatening which is why I wouldn't want to do that.