The UAC is on by default. So, you don't need to turn it on unless someone else turned it off.
The UAC has four modes.
The lowest mode is the off position. If the UAC is off, no UAC prompt will pop up when doing administrative tasks.
When an instruction is sent to the CPU in a binary pattern, how does the CPU know what instruction the pattern means
When the CPU executes the instructions, it interprets the opcode part of the instruction into individual microprograms, containing their microcode equivalents. Just so you know, a full assembly instruction consists of an opcode and any applicable data that goes with it, if required (register names, memory addresses).
The assembly instructions are assembled (turned into their binary equivalent 0s and 1s, or from now on, logic signals). These logic signals are in-turn interpreted by the CPU, and turned into more low-level logic signals which direct the flow of the CPU to execute the particular instruction.
option d
Subject line should be short but descriptive. Whenever a person reads a subject, he/she should know what the application is all about. In the question, the application is all about applying for a school teacher so subject must contain words for teacher.
Whichever action you take to complete a task will inevitably affect the end result of whatever would need to be accomplished; whether this impact the task in a positive or a negative way.
Program memory is paged, this statement is defined as in a computer system paged memory is the process of allocation of memory and storing a portion of a process of execution. Page is a unit of logical memory in a program. It follows the process of paging, as it is a method of writing an information and reading the output from the storage drive. The main advantage of this process is that it become easy to swap because everything is the same size.