To find this answer, you need to find a common denominator. A common denominator is when the number on the bottom of two fractions is the same. The easiest was to do this is to first multiply the two denominators, then multiply the numerator (or top number) by the opposite denominator. This sounds complicated, but it's pretty simple. Here's the equation written out. (I hope this helps!)
4*8 = denominator for both numbers.
8*1 = numerator for the first number
4*1 = numerator for the second number.
This should give you the fractions with common denominators, 8/32 and 4/32. Then, to compare the fractions, just see which numerator is larger. In this case, 8 is larger than 1 which shows that 1/4 is greater than 1/8.
I hope this made sense. There's more than one way to solve these problems, so comment below if you would like me to explain it differently and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! :)
Greater than because if you find the common denominator, which is 8, you would change the numerator to 2 so... 2/8 is less than or greater than 1/8? It's greater. Hope this helped :) the answer before me goes into more depth, I just did a brief answer :)