physical wellness:includes eating well, exercising, avoiding harmful habits. practicing responsible decisions about sex, getting regular medical and dental checkups and taking precautions to avoid accidents and injuries.
environmental wellness:is affected by the world that surrounds us. This includes the safety of the food and water supply, violence, and ultraviolet radiation in sunlight.
social wellness:s to have satisfying relationships therefore, having a support network of caring friends and/or family members. It also includes making positive contributions to your community, country, and world,
Intellectual wellness:includes openness to new ideas, a capacity to question and think critically, motivation to learn new skills, having a sense of humor, creativity,and curiousity
spiritual wellness:is to possess a set of guiding beliefs, principles, or values that give meaning and purpose to your life. It also includes being able to love, have joy forgive, and show compassion.
emotional wellness:Includes optimism, trust self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-control, and the ability to share your feelings with others.