emphasized the role of God in the world.
- The concept of the deism knows as god is a philosophical approach that looks at the natural world is origin from a supreme creator and recognize the source of the knowledge of god.
Omg your so nice to ppl (I dont do this kind of work yet but its good to give you thanks!)
Answer:C) mens rea
Mens rea is when someone takes an intentional action to kill or harm another person. The person actual has a purpose to harm someone which means he or she first planned the action knowingly so that such action will cause harm to another human being.
Mens rea a person commit a crime knowingly and willingly with a purpose to harm. It is a planned crime where one thinks about it , draw the plan in his or her mind and then proceed to actual taking action towards the plan.
Euruopians came so they can live freely from rulers.
Legislative executive and juidical