Repair mechanism for base cleavage (BER)
Repair by base cleavage (BER)
The altered bases are specifically recognized by glycosylases and removed, generating an AP site. The hole is filled by a DNA polymerase that takes the healthy strand as a template. This system arises not only by exposure to external agents, but also by the cell's own activity.
In case of damage in more than one nucleotide, repair by nucleotide excision (NER) is performed.
Nucleotide excision repair (NER)
The damaged area is recognized by UvrA and B, then A and B separate and UvrC enters which forms a complex with endonuclease activity with B. This enzyme cuts the T-dimer and the gap is filled by a DNA polymerase. There is also the TC-NER system (transcription-coupled nucleotide repair system). The alteration of these mechanisms gives rise to diseases such as: Xeroderma pigmentosum, Trichotiodystrophy or Cockayne Syndrome
I will give a hypothesis. Just like a tree, when you cut a tree by its trunk, you will the rings. The rings around it represents the tree's age. So when you cut rock, the pores in the rock determine whether it is an old rock or a fossil rock.
The reason is, if it is limestone and it is an old rock, the pores will be slightly big and if the limestone is a fossil rock, then the pores will be bigger due to leaching or denaturing of the minerals in the rock through the ages.
Easy money because I’m just trying to get my brainly started
C. Energy processing from corn biofuels is not energy efficient.