Compounds microscope is an optical instrument for forming magnifying images of small objects having an objective Len with a very short focal length. While electron microscope is a high power of microscope uses beam of electron focused by magnetic lenses instead of rays of light.
A. anther
B. receptacle
C. sepal
D. petal
F. filament
K. pollen tube
O. Ovule
P. Style
* I'm confused with H and J
The answer to your question is: letter C. two are prokaryotes and four eukaryotes
A two are eukaryotes, and four are prokaryotes. This answer is wrong because animalia, plantae, fungi and protista are eukaryotes.
B four are plants, and two are animals. This answer is wrong because only one kingdom is plants (plantae).
C two are prokaryotes, and four are eukaryotes. This answer is right there are two prokaryotes (eubacteria and archaebacteria) and the others are eukaryotes.
D four are bacteria, and two are eukarya. This answer is wrong there are only 2 bacteria not 4.
epiphytic roots
Epiphytic roots are those that live on other plants without parasitism. In this relationship, the epiphyte uses the other vegetable only as a support (phorophyte), removing no nutrients and, consequently, causing no harm to the species.
Epiphyte roots are estimated to represent about 10% of the total amount of vascular plants on the planet. This means that there are on average 29,000 plant species with this peculiar habit of life. These vegetables are mainly found in tropical rainforests and have almost no representatives in places with very low temperatures.
It gives useful information about environments and the ways past organisms lived
A fossil is basically any preserved remains or trace of any organism that once lived in the past. Bones, shells and exoskeletons are examples of fossils that can be studied through Paleontology.
From fossil studies, we can tell how long these lives existed on earth and how varying plants and animals are related to one another. We can often find out how and the places they lived and their environments as well.