Circulatory System
Capilaries are tubes that transport blood and provide nutrition through diffusion in tissues. Transporting blood is a function of the circulatory system.
Interspecific competition
Glycolysis provides a cell with a net gain of 2 ATP molecules
option d
Meiosis stage was formerly called the reduction stage involving two divisions; meiosis I and II. After the first stage of meiosis, the ploidy level of each of the daughter cell changes is in an haploid state, meaning here the DNA content has been reduced by half. In humans (2n = 46), who have 23 pairs of chromosomes, the number of chromosomes is reduced by half at the end of meiosis I (n = 23). This haploid state is still maintained by the meiosis II just undergoing the normal mitosis division.
Narrow-spectrum antibiotics target a few types of bacteria. Broad-spectrum antibiotics target many types of bacteria. Both types work well to treat infections. But using broad-spectrum antibiotics when they're not needed can create antibiotic-resistant bacteria that are hard to treat.