Metallic black, grey or even blue
Inner membrane of the chloroplasts
The present day eukayrotes are all considered to be derived from its original ancestor – the cyanobacteria.
Earlier, photosynthesis by the first photoautotrophs took place utilizing hydrogen sulphide as the electron donor. However, it was later when the cyanobacteria, which were originally residing in the mitochondria of an eukaryotic cell under an endosymbiotic relationship, developed into true chloroplasts, the use of water as electron donor to perform photosynthesis began.
The cyanobacteria were aerobic in nature and required oxygen to survive. They evolved the chloroplasts covered with an external protective membrane and an internal membrane. It is the internal membrane which contains all the necessary organelles or components necessary for photosynthesis like thyllakoids, stroma etc which helped them to utilize water as an electron donor during photosynthesis like all the eukaryotes.
D. The virus uses the host cell to make new viral parts.
The virus is an organism that is incapable of replicating on its own without a living host cell. It needs to infect a living cell in order to reproduce. The infection cycle of a virus is the replication cycle. Viruses employ two major infection cycles: LYTIC or LYSOGENIC cycles.
In the lytic cycle, the virus initially attaches to specific receptor sites on the host cell membrane. It then penetrates the host cell and incorporate its genetic material into the host cell's genome. It employs the host's ability to express its genes and replicate to express its genes and make new proteins. At the end of the LYTIC cycle, new viral particles (virions) are produced and released by lysis of the host cell.
As the organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.
En el intestino delgado, estas células contienen microvellosidades, que son pequeñas proyecciones similares a pelos que aumentan la absorción de nutrientes. Estas proyecciones aumentan el área de superficie del intestino delgado permitiendo más área para que los nutrientes sean absorbidos.