The correct answer is c positive affect
Unfortunately, sandwiches are much riskier than we think they are. There is a microbiological risk in sandwich making that affects sandwich food safety. In reality, it is the ... Meaning more opportunity for cross-contamination.
If they ask if you want to smoke, simply say no. If they don't respect your decision or try to force you, then call a trusted friend or adult and leave
You are dispatched to a residence for a 59-year-old male with an unknown emergency. when you arrive, you find the patient sitting on the couch. he is conscious, is noticeably diaphoretic, and complains of dizziness and weakness. during your assessment, you note a large, well-healed vertical scar in the center of his chest and a small bulge just under the skin in the upper left part of his chest. his blood pressure is 90/50 mm hg, pulse is 44 beats/min and weak, and respirations are 24 breaths/min and unlabored. what is the most likely cause of this patient's condition?
- Artificial pacemaker failure
IF Joey has family with diabetes and obesity, Joey will very likely have both of that too. He won't be about to get much exercise of many reasons, but one of the main ones would be that with diabetes the person don't have much energy and if too much is used up, they could faint or worse.