Most of the mollusks species are gastropods. The body of the mollusk is made of shell and fleshy part. The fleshy part is divide into foot and visceral mass. Foot is a distinct feature of mollusk. They use it mainly for locomotion. The visceral mass involves the organs for circulation, digestion and other important processes in living organism. The visceral mass has two external flaps of tissue called as the mantle. It secretes calcerous shell and encloses a mantle cavity.
The main regions of a typical mollusk's body is head foot and visceral mass. The Mollusks are soft bodied invertebrates. They have 4 body parts that are head and foot, shell, visceral mass and mantle. The main two parts are the head and foot and visceral mass. The Visceral mass is where digestion, respiratory, reproductive and excretory are held. On the other hand the foot is used to give a sense of balance and the head is used to carry one or two tentacles.
Two hormones are primarily responsible for pubic hair during puberty. Androgen and Estrogen, of which are spectively provided by the "Testes and Ovaries". Pubic hair is the bodies attempt of protecting those organs against friction with contact of skin.