The following sources claiming or supporting Yu Hsien above is letter D. Yu Hsien hated non-Chinese religions like Christianity. Taiyuan massacre during Boxer Rebellion, which killed 45 Christians with children. It was at this time tha Yu Hsien was the governor of Shanxi.
Frederick Douglass was a truly extraordinary person. He was born into slavery but learned how to read and write. He was a very persuasive person, an abolitionist, he influenced and advised the leaders of the United States and he even edited a very influential black newspaper for 16 years. He was internationally famous as an orator and writer.
Hernán Cortés was a Spanish conquistador or conqueror that conquered the Aztec empire in 1521 with Help of commanders and leaders like Pedro de Alvarado, Gonzalo de Sandoval, Cristóbal de Olid, Nuño de Guzmán and others
South Carolina was the first because they though that their way of life was threatened from the election of President Abraham Lincoln.
Civil Rights Movement is the associated movement with the NAACP, CORE, and SCLC