White males who owned a certain amount of property and who paid taxes.
Wife: Mary Todd Lincoln
Sons :Robert Todd Lincoln,
William Wallace Lincoln
,Tad Lincoln
,Edward Baker Lincoln
In 1945, after the defeat of Nazi Germany, Poland's borders were redrawn in accordance with the decisions made first by the Allies at the Tehran Conference of 1943 where the Soviet Union demanded the recognition of the military outcome of the top secret Nazi–Soviet Pact of 1939 of which the West was unaware. Hope this helps :)
The invention of the vapor machine
Modern U.S. presidents are fully aware of the importance of the economy. More than ever, the pulse of the nation’s economy is of the utmost importance for the White House.
In a global scenario, the role of economics through trade has been increasingly important. The president of the U.S. dedicates a considerable part of his time to oversee the Department of Commerce, the Department of Treasure and is very aware of the declarations of Federal Reserve and the bankers, to avoid a crisis like the one that happened in 2008