In the United States and in many other countries, citizens have to register to vote "To <span>make sure people vote only once," since otherwise it would be very hard to track who has already voted. </span>
Search it up in a test and try to find the right answer because i have no clue in what the united.1states
Specific people who valued religion quite significantly played a role in this. I have studied this material so long ago that I cannot name those particular figures. Do some research and I'm sure you'll be able to find out for yourself.
1. En ambos, al comienzo de la creación (Génesis, en el caso de la biblia) los animales fueron creados antes que el hombre.
4. En ambos textos el pecado principal es la soberbia, En el popol vuh existieron personajes que fueron altaneros se creían poderosos como los dioses, en la biblia numerosos reyes antiguos elevaron su dignidad a la de un dios y por ello sus reinados fueron destruidos.
ESpero que te ayude!!!!!
B. it was impossible to separate government into equal branches. i just did it on a test.