The society should be somewhat simple.
- For the society to be inclusive of all the classes ranging from lower to higher, it has to cease to be complicated.
- A highly complicated society would culminate in utter chaos and the elimination of those who are unable to sustain the complications.
- These complications might mostly be social or economic in nature.
- Though the society is already a discipline that is complicated to some extent, it should stay as it is to avoid chaos and imbalance.
A. true, economic competition between countries usually came at the expence at the other countries.
Reverend J. A. DeLaine was the south Carolinian that spoke out against integrating public schools in South Carolina
At a certain period of time, most public schools in American states were hit by heavy racial segregation against the African Americans. These manifested in various forms ranging from poor supply of facilities and inadequate maintenance to use of old textbooks and learning resources that were discarded by schools with white children.
Many teachers and citizens fought hard to end this injustice through writing petitions and several other legal actions, some of them who lost their job in the process. A prominent personality in the fight against racial segregation in South Carolina was Reverend J. A. DeLaine. He was a teacher, a community religious leader and also a board member of the NAACP
Finally, in 1954, school segregation was termed unconstitutional by the Supreme court
a mnemonic
Brian is trying to remember the colors of the visible spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Brian decides to use the acronym ROYGBIV, which contains the first letter of each of the colors' names. Brian is using <u>a mnemonic</u> to remember the colors. A nmemonic is any structured pattern or idea which could be visual or verbal that helps individuals to easy remember things. This patterns include the use of acronyms, rhymes, peg-word methods and even chunking.