Jeroboam, nadab, baasha, elah, omri, Ahab, jehu, Jehoahaz,Jehoash, Jeroboam II, pekah hoshea
Answer: Work specialization and hierarchy of submission.
Organization charts reveals who specializes in a particular work and how they report to each other, considering hierarchy.
Answer: The Pilgrims and Puritans came to America to practice religious freedom. In the 1500s England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and created a new church called the Church of England. Everyone in England had to belong to the church. ... The Pilgrims decided to settle in this area and called it Plymouth.
Hope this helps!!! Good luck!!! ;)
Answer:liberal feminism perspective
Explanation:Liberal feminism is focused intensely on equality within the workplace, in education and in political rights.Liberal feminism also focuses individual person and their own private life and how this can have an impact on public equality.
Liberal feminism supports equality in marriage and enhanced male parents involvement in child care.
They also support an individual decision on controlling one's own life in a way that one feels is right for them. Their main concern is that private issues of inequality are what lead to public inequality.