To find the decimal value, we must convert 1/2 and 3/4 into decimal.
Now we just have choose a random decimal in between the decimal.
Let's choose 0.6
Now we have to convert the decimal into a fraction. So we'll multiply the decimal by100.
Then we make the 60 into a fractions. 60/100
Then we'll simply the fraction. 60/100÷10=6/10÷2=3/5
There you go. You have your answer.
Weber's Law
Step-by-step explanation:
- Weber's law States that it is a mathematical model of the difference threshold stating that the magnitude needed to detect a physical change in a stimulus is proportional to the absolute magnitude of that stimulus. Thus, the more intense the stimulus, the greater the change that must be made in it to be noticed.
Step-by-step explanation:
This question is asking for the comparison between the values of both numbers. 4.5 is greater than 2.89, and this can be written as 4.5>2.89