While both are eukaryotic and don't move, plants are autotrophic - making their own energy - and have cell walls made of cellulose, but fungi are heterotrophic - taking in food for energy - and have cell walls made of chitin.
While both are eukaryotic and don't move, plants are autotrophic - making their own energy - and have cell walls made of cellulose, but fungi are heterotrophic - taking in food for energy - and have cell walls made of chitin.
Take medicine to destroy the germs.
Avoid contact with other people's bodily fluids.
Eat healthful foods such as fruits and vegetables.
For the spread of disease, there is usually a host who bears the infectious agent, the agent exits through a port of exit from the host, is carried by a mode of transmission, then enters a susceptible second host through a port of entry. To stop transmission, stopping the infectious agent can include;
- Stopping the agent from leaving the host through port of exit – e.g quarantine the patient
- Curtailing the modes of transmission – e.g killing disease vectors
- Protecting the ports of entry in the susceptible second potential host – e.g by improving immunity
I believe it goes in the following order top down
1 5 3 4 2.
Anthropology is the branch of scientific studies that deals with study of human development in terms of body structure, culture,social behavior and language.
Biological anthropology deals with the evolution of man on the basis of biological structures.
Cultural anthropology deals with the evolution of different culture and society.
Social anthropology deals with the evolution of various societies from the time when man was totally uncivilized.
Linguistic anthropology deals with the study of evolution of languages.
In short anthropology deals with all the aspects of human beings. This commitment of anthropology to studying the entire picture of human life,including culture,biology,history and language is termed as Holism.