Let's call Maura's age now M and Cara's age now C.
We know Maura is five years younger than Cara. In symbols that is, M - 5 = C
We also know that 7 years ago Maura's age was half of Cara's. Maura's age 7 years ago was M-7 and Cara's age seven years ago was C-7. Since Maura's age (7 years ago) was half of Cara's we can write in symbols:

Let's take that last equation and substitute C - 5 for M (this is because according to our first equation these are equal). When we do this we get an equation with only C as the variable and solve for C as follows:

Cara is 17. Since Maura is 5 years younger she is 12.
As a check, seven years ago Cara was 10 and Maura was 5. It is the case that Maura was half Cara's age seven years ago.