The distance between Biskra Algiers and Garadala is of 4,952.41 mi (7,970.14 km), this distance is the shortest by an airline. You also have a driving route of 6,582.44 mi (10,593.42 km). Biskra is situated in Algeria (Latitude: 34.849998 34° 50' 59.993'' N - Longitude: 5.733333 5° 43' 59.999'' E) and Garadala is situated in Bangladesh (Latitude: 24.23281 24° 13' 58.116'' N - Longitude: 89.58091 89° 34' 51.276'' E)
Upper class individuals are more likely to work in safer environments, such as an office is not an explanation for the given statement.
Answer: Option C
In the given statement the discussion involves life expectancy with respect to education, occupation and income and explain its meaning that upper class live longer and healthier lives than those in lower class.
But the statement that upper class individuals are more likely to work in safer environments, such as an office do not categorize statement according to lower or upper class, that safer environment for work can be available among educated, occupated and handsome income constituted society only, because many brutal cases are examples of unsafe working atmosphere too and even in well structured office.
Education, Occupation and Income are sources of happiness but decision to stay happy and sensible for either rich or poor basically generate from within’s intellectual learning and not biased with any race.
Animals provide many foods people enjoy. Meat, milk, and eggs are examples of foods derived from animal sources. Some animals can provide more than just one food product. ... About 80 percent of the world obtains most of its protein, fats, and iron, as well as a variety of its vitamins, from meat.
Hoped that this will help :)
Answer – A ball game
In Chapter 10 of the 1937 novel, Their
Eyes Were Watching God which was authored by Zora Neale Hurston, an
African-American writer, we find that most of the town went to a baseball game,
leaving Janie alone at the store. Because of this, Janie decided to close up
the store early but before she could, a tall stranger came to the store to buy
cigarettes from her and then starts making flirtatious small talk with her,
making her laugh with his jokes.