Money and education allow many people to venture farther, without needing to rely on relatives
The correct answer is tuning toward each other instead of away.
When Jackie confides in her best friend, her husband may feel a bit left out of their life. According to Gottman and his theory, she should also let her husband know about her feelings, and not only her friend, because otherwise this may cause problems in their marriage and alienate them from each other.
When surfaces in contact move relative to each other, the friction between the two surfaces converts kinetic energy into thermal energy (that is, it converts work to heat). This property can have dramatic consequences, as illustrated by the use of friction created by rubbing pieces of wood together to start a fire.
As Craig is not a lawyer, so the contract between Larry and Craig will not be enforced.
Law Suit:
It is a case or simply a problem that is taken to the court of law by a person or an organization to get a legal decision on that particular matter or problem. Like in the given scenario Amjed has filed a law suit against the owner of property on which he was injured.
As Larry has rendered the services of a person who is not a lawyer so that the contract between him and Craig will not be enforced.