The U.S. and the Soviet Union were in a space race to develop technology to land on the moon 1st. By the time, that John Kennedy declared his plans, in the early 1960’s, to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade; the US was far behind the USSR in space technology. But from a historical perspective, John Kennedy was completely uninterested in space. His reasoning was that the US “had” to strike the USSR to the moon. As the people of the US became responsive that the USSR was out pacing them in technology, which they’d quite well believed that the US was greater in up until that point, sustain for a fully funded space program began to grow quickly. This permitted the support required for the Kennedy and Johnson administrations to virtually give NASA a clean check to fund the space program. Thus making U.S. landed Louis Armstrong on the moon 1st a day earlier.
Military Expaditioners?
Are there options?
The correct answer is:
The Denny Party
The Denny Party, a group of American pioneers, which settled at Alki Point on November 13, 1851 and were credited with founding Seattle, Washington. Even though George Vancouver was the first European to visit this area in 1792, the date of the founding of Seattle is more related with the arrival of the Denny Party scouts in September 25, 1851.
Many people against the war.
The vote on the War of 1812 in Congress reveal a deep sectional division in the United States because many people were against this war which shows division of thoughts among congress members. Madison feel this war is necessary because the Britain did not stop seizing American ships which traded with the France. the main reason for this seizing is the bad relations among France and Britain.