Your body may do several things to decrease the amount of water. This includes sweating, urinating, or even vomiting. Too much water could also cause stomach cramps.
Because technically there is no such thing as cold
all that exists is heat
this is because heat is the rapid movement of particles, made by friction (to understand why you must delve into physics and some chemistry)
so, when you feel cold, it's really the absence of heat
so instead of "keeping the cold out", which makes no sense at all scientifically, insulation keeps the heat in.
as a side note
the feeling of cold is produced when you come in contact with an object (yes, air counts) that has less heat, or energy, than you do, You feel cold because heat (energy) from your body is being transferred to the environment. This ABSENCE OF HEAT in your body is why you feel cold
1. Drugs
-it’s important that teens know what’s out there and what some of these drugs can do to people.
2. Sex
-adults/parents need to stop acting like this is something bad, it’s normal and they need to teach us how to protect our selves and same gender sex as well bc high school and probably middle school students are confused and need help but they can’t ask their parents bc they are too afraid.
3. Buying a house, car, investment
- it might be early but students need to know these stuff about life
4.Money management
- students go into a deep debt and can’t get out bc they didn’t know how to manage their money and go crazy with loans
The growers have not established an integrated commodity chain
Integration of commodity chain includes merging of different alternative practices of agriculture for the overall growth of the society. It may raising cattle like sheep, lambs, cow or horses, etc. or raising deer, buffalo, emus and elk and also doing various plantation of crops such as wheat, barley, rice, coffee, cotton, etc.
But the farmers have not been able to established the integrated commodity chain because of which the growth potential of the alternative agricultural practices like raising emus or buffalos or growing amaranth grains is limited.