Subsistence crops are grown for the direct benefit of the farmer and their family. Cash crops are grown to deliberately be sold. ... Cotton makes a poor subsistence crop because you can't eat it and it has to be processed before it's useful (ginned, spun and woven)
They fought wars with other tribes and if they won said war, they woulkd keep the other tribe as POW's and when the Englishmen came around, they'd trade the POW's for English goods. They also sold their own people into slavery for these English goods.
The actions of the civil right organization (eg: Martin Luther King, Black power movement etc)
Answer: Yes. The support of non-Native Alaskans was an important factor which lead to the settlement of Alaska Native land claims. It is consistent with the evidence presented in this learning block.
The non-Natives Alaskans knew how the Natives Alaskans were dealt with in the Southeastern United States. They learnt from their mistakes so took a different approach when dealing with the natives from Alaska. The U.S. Courts were more sympathetic towards the natives due to past history. The federal government was in favor to help the native which was not so in the past.
Correct answer choice is :
C) Washington was an accommodationist and DuBois believed that blacks should have the same rights as whites.
Both men needed full equity and social right for all African Americans but understood that fixed stances and concerns stopped this from occurring. They had differing opinions for how the most people could be supported within the limitations that existed at the period.