I will assume you mean the Homestead Act of 1862, which was the first and most iconic one. In that case, the requirements were that the homesteader, the one filing the claim, be either the head of the household OR twenty-one years old, they had to live only on the designated land, build a home, improve it, and farm the land for five years, and, finally, they had to be a United States citizen that had never taken up arms against America.
For those that could not write (So most), they carried a seal around either on a necklace or otherwise that they could use to stamp with ink to signify 'signing' something.
The concept of constitution originated with magna carta in british monarchy way back in 1215 A .D. magna carta liberatum is a charter agreed to by king john of england. It promised the protection of church rights, protection for the barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice and limitation on feudal payments to crown to be implemented through a council of 25 barons.
Democracy - rule by the people (male citizens).
Monarchy - rule by an individual who had inherited his role.
Oligarchy - rule by a select group of individuals.
Tyranny - rule by an individual who had seized power by unconstitutional means.
Have a nice day! September 2021
King Henry VIII has several factors influencing Parliament for his Divorce. First he became Head of the Church in England and in creating himself Head of the Church it meant that all decisions regarding Religion, he had the final say. Back in the 16th Century, the Pope made all the decisions for Divorce and any other religious matters. In fact, since King Henry VIII had the final say in all decisions, Parliament had no say in his Divorce...