What did Lamark believe about evolution? Why is this not correct? What is the first common evolution misconception? What does ev
olution actually say? What do people commonly think ""survival of the fittest"" means? What does it actually mean to be the ""most fit""? Natural selection doesn’t happen at the organism level but at the ______________ level.
According to Lamarck's theory of evolution, fossils are the direct evidence of evolution and nucleotide evidences are the direct evidence of molecular evolution
This theory also states that organs which are used in priority will develop and the organs which are not used by priority will disintegrate
Lamarck said that vestigial organs in different organisms are the direct evidence of use and disuse of organs
This was not correct because organisms develop new characters according to their need in environmental conditions, these new characters are developed by character displacement and allowed by natural selection and not by Lamarck's theory
According to survival of the fittest the individuals which have superior genotype will be more acclimatized for the changing environmental conditions and the individuals with inferior genotype cannot maintain themselves according to the changing environmental conditions thus eliminated
The individuals with superior genotype are most fit for the changing environmental conditions thus survive well and gets opportunity to reproduce
Every individual of a population have a selection pressure which decides that which will get opportunity to thrive well or will be eliminated from the population, this kind of selection pressure is called natural selection
Natural selection promotes best fit genotype according to the changing environmental conditions and eliminates the other genotype thus leading to genetic drift