Dead mustard plants disintegrate into the soil And the worms in the soil see it and are like woah man let’s fricking rave! So these worms rave until the riff of dawn and the air gets so dense it just turns into nitrogen. The rave vibes were so lit that the nitrogen had this gold ora to it. The worms gathered it all and in a way, molded it into a seedling. They were like “ we gonna name it marigold cuz we had a pretty merry good time”. So yea science is wild isn’t it?
13(?)Convergent boundaries
16(Sturdy Desks and Tables. The safest place to perform the 'duck, cover, and hold' action is under a sturdy desk or table. ...
Bed or Closet. When you are in bed during an earthquake, stay there. ...
A Room with No Windows. Stay away from glass windows during an earthquake. ...
Door Frame. ...
Outside your Home.
So C?
19(B or A)
Extra credit question
Earth is special because it is an ocean planet. Water covers 70 percent of Earth's surface. Earth's atmosphere is made mostly of nitrogen and has plenty of oxygen for us to breathe.There are multiple reasons for earth to be a special planet. Reasons are as follows
1.Earth is the only planet known where intelligent life exist.
2.It lies in the circumstellar habitable zone (CHZ). CHZ is defined in the image given below.
3. Earth has a unique magnetic field which protects the earth from the harmful solar winds. These solar winds played a role in transforming venus into hell.
4. Earth has Van Allen radiation belts which protects it from cosmic rays.
5. Our large neighbour Jupiter protects is from many comets and asteroids that come from the keiper belt and Oort cloud.
6. Earth's atmosphere is favorable to support life on earth. This atmosphere consists of different gases in adequate amount. If the percentage of gases would differ then life on earth may face serious consequences.
7. Tectonic plates of earth differentiates it from most other planets.
8. Earth has a solid crust unlike the gaseous planets.
9. Earth has been gifted with a medium sized star which release solar winds and protect us from the harmful radiation of outer space.
a major connective tissue. loose, fibrous, tight is the answer is synovial membrane
From the process of respiration chemical energy in the form of ATP.