Kindly check attached picture for drawing of Anna demand curve
Intervene and implement anti-fraternization policies if that's possible and legal. Motivate your team and improve communication as soon as
Before things get out of hand actions must be taken and it should be made clear favoritism is not allowed in the organization.
It would also be helpful if the team leader and team members were put into different teams as then the other members will not feel any sort of unbiased behavior towards themselves.
Please take into consideration the feelings of the involved parties as well. It's hard for people to do their best when they are unhappy or unmotivated.
Make sure to motivate your team as much as you can. A well-motivated team is a key to success. Listen to What People Are Not Saying, give Positive Feedback. Disagree without being disagreeable.
It would be be awkward for the team to freely communicate as before so please try to be an icebreaker. Let them know they are here for a common goal and they need each other to excel at it.
The indication for where the fact came from is called citation