Aneeds a full plan is needed because you just can't go off low calories alone she needs a chart for what she eats from morning noon and night and stick with diet and exercise is also a necessity
consider the possibility of assault
There are plenty of cases in sexual assault this happens
It is false because the marking depends where you should stop
Alcohol acts as a depressant and slows nerve responses and depresses the central nervous system.
Excessive drinking over a prolonged period of time can cause serious problems with cognition and memory.
Alcohol interacts with the brain receptors, interfering with the communication between nerve cells, and suppressing excitatory nerve pathway activity.
Neuro-cognitive deficits, neuronal injury, and neurodegeneration are well documented in examples of alcoholics, yet the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. The effect can be both direct and/ or indirect.
The inner ear and cerebellum are areas of the brain involved in coordination and balance. These can be affected by alcohol producing difficulty with walking, hand-eye coordination and reaction time.
Impaired judgment, slowed reaction time, impaired vision and alertness, decreased coordination, confusion, loss of balance
They are a danger to others