Answer: Language arts websites
1. – The link will point you directly to building sentences worksheets. offers free resources for other subjects, as well, so this is a site that you’ll see again in my free homeschooling resources posts. You will need to sign up with in order to download the free worksheets.
2. School Express – School Express has lots of free worksheets, again on various subjects. The worksheet are colorful and appealing to children. I’ve printed many worksheets from this site to supplement language arts lessons.
3. Grammar Girl – Still confused about whom vs who? If you want to check your grammar facts before teaching them to your children, Grammar Girl is your best friend. Housed on the Quick and Dirty Tips website, Grammar Girl offers articles and a podcast to enrich your grammar knowledge.
4. Mr. Nussbaum – This website is fun, fun, fun! If your kiddos learn well by playing (like most kiddos do!) you need to check out Mr. Nussbaum. The language arts games here teach spelling, typing, grammar and more. This is one of the best play-and-learn websites around.
5. Fun Brain – I know you’ve probably already heard of Fun Brain. It’s one of the most popular of the free education sites, but it deserves a mention on my first go-around of free homeschooling resources. Fun Brain offers a lot of language arts (and other subjects) games. If you’ve never used it or it’s been a while, go give it a look-see!
Answer ls face the world face ls
DeepL Translator: the worlds most accurate translator
1. Third one
2. Third one
3. First one
4. Third one
5. Second one
6. Mellow
7. Not sure but I don't see none
8. Sprinkled
Fire is an important symbol in Frankenstein for many reasons.
1. Dr Frankenstein is compared to a 'modern Prometheus': Prometheus, in Greek mythology, gave fire (which symbolized knowledge) to humans and then suffered an eternal punishment for that. Frankenstein is trying to bring his own gift of knowledge (life) to humanity but his life is also ruined through this process.
2. Fire also is something that has two sides, each that can help or hurt. Building a fire can create warmth and light, but too much of it can cause death and destruction. This is also shown through Frankenstein's creation of the monster. Think of the saying "playing with fire".
(In a more specific instance, when the monster realizes that fire can destroy he uses it as a weapon (burning the villager's cottage) )
3. Fire also represents passion and desire. Both Frankenstein and the monster possess this fire--Frankenstein for knowledge and creation, the monster for acceptance. This fuels both of their efforts through the novel.