The above query gives an error.
- The query gives an error because is not the correct syntax of the select or inserts query.
- The syntax of the select query is as follows: "select Attributes_1_name, Attributes_2_name,...., Attributes_n_name from table_name;".
- The syntax of the insert query is : "insert into table_name (column_1_name, column_2_name,...,column_n_name) values (column_1_value, column_2_value,...,column_n_value);".
- The syntax of the insert and select query is : "insert into table_name (select Attributes_1_name, Attributes_2_name,...., Attributes_n_name from table_name);".
- But the above query does not satisfy any property which is defined above. Hence it gives a compile-time error.
Las tecnologías sostenibles son aquellas que emplean menos energía para realizar los procesos, emplean una cantidad menor de recursos limitados y, en definitiva, no agotan los recursos naturales tanto en su creación, puesta en marcha o utilización