Chelsea's social factors increase her risks of a communicable disease.
Veronica and Chelsea are twins that were separated at birth, and while Chelsea is raised by a family that does not make much money, and does not have easy access to healthcare, Veronica is raised by a family that makes a lot of money, lives in a newly built home, has a farm and has access to healthcare.
Therefore, the conclusions that I can make about Chelsea's health as an adult is that her social factors increase her risks of a communicable disease.
As she is not controlling the blood sugar and has been urinating excessively, she probaly is in hyperglycemia crisis.
Diabetes is a chronic disease where the increase does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot use it effectively. An insulin or hormone that regulates blood glucose and is critical to maintaining the body's well-being, which needs its energy to function.
Type 1 Diabetes: the cause of this type of diabetes is still unknown and the best way to prevent it is through healthy living practices (eating, physical activity and avoiding alcohol, tobacco and other drugs). People with type 1 diabetes should administer insulin daily to regulate the amount of glucose in their blood.
Hyperglycemia is characterized by the presence of high blood sugar (glucose), which may be caused by overeating, lack of exercise or, for diabetics, lack of insulin and may progress over the course of a day or several days. The main symptoms of high sugar in a diabetic people are: increased urination, thirst and hunger. Fatigue, restlessness and weight loss may also be less common symptoms. Although these symptoms do not always mean that you have hyperglycemia.
Dr. Reside's experiment can not be considered effective because his study has only treatment subjects group and lack of control group. That's why his study can be very good but not valid without control group.
In his study, he concluded that 80% children after therapeutic treatment decreased the activity level which can be true but not valid without control group because when he use control group in his study then we will be able to compare the normal or control group and treatment group. Then the study will be valid and effective as well.
A warmup gradually revs up your cardiovascular system by raising your body temperature and increasing blood flow to your muscles. Warming up may also help reduce muscle soreness and lessen your risk of injury. Cooling down after your workout allows for a gradual recovery of preexercise heart rate and blood pressure.