In the Nature v. Nurture debate, scientists who argue that personality is established by our genetics believe that the transmission of these traits is a result of hereditary. Hereditary characters can be obtained from the parent genes during sexual intercourse. It is contained in the offsprings’ DNA.
In the Nature v. Nurture debate, scientists who argue that personality
is established by our genetics believe that the transmission of these traits is
a result of hereditary. Hereditary characters
can be obtained from the parent genes during sexual intercourse. It is
contained in the offsprings’ DNA.
RNA polymerase binds to the lac promoter and begins transcribing
the stretch of DNA to messenger RNA.
Therefore, in other words, the stretch of DNA is expressed. The DNA sequence of
the lac promoter 'signals' where the RNA
polymerase will bind and where transcription
will begin. Promoters are found upstream of a gene to be transcribed.