Diversification is important in investing because "It helps you to balance your risk across different types of investments".
Diversification is a risk management approach that includes investing beyond or within various asset types to depreciate the ups and downs of economic exchanges. In different terms, diversification is thereby not owning all your eggs in one basket. Diversification goes by expanding properties beyond and within various asset types. Because asset types have their own individual financial rounds, when one class is making substantial profits, another may not be functioning as well. By expanding your purchases beyond and within distinct asset categories you’ll be in an immeasurable situation to offset the buoyancy of unique expenses.
Peer pressure is the notion of mutual friends coxing you into a rash situation and you, in a attempt to fit in, you agree to such a situation. This is bad and it’s practically impossible to avoid unless you care not for those opinions of those you hang around
Have a peer pressure filled day (jk btw lol)
What is Partnership
Partnership is a form of business, where individuals come together to carry on business with the primary intention of making profit. Mostly, they come together by contributing capital and expertise to make the business work . Every partner is however liable and responsible for both the profit made and the losses or liabilities of the partnership.
Although the general partner has unlimited liability, every partner is however jointly and severely liable for the business
Were Summemour and Hatcher Liable?
This case is referred in the J.T. Turner Construction Company v. Summerour and Hatcher(2009). The court this case declared that both Hatcher and Summemour were jointly and severally liable as a result of the following reasons.
A partner becomes liable especially for a prior judgment based on the following
1. The partnership has proven indebtedness
2. A general partner in the partnership was sued to court
Based on these, Summemour and Hatcher WERE JOINTLY and SEVERALLY LIABLE
132,000$ will be recorded by west as amortization expense for the year.
Depreciation/amortization is systematic allocation of cost of asset over its useful life. In this case asset cost is not given so we assume that PV of lease payment is equal to market value (660,000 dollars) of asset.
In case of leased asset the useful life taken for calculation of depreciation is lower of 1) Useful life 2) Lease term as per applicable accounting standards.
So we have taken 5 years to charge depreciation on Straight line method.
Hence by dividing 660000 by five we get our answer.