i got youu
This picture is modeling how animals get nutrients and how it looks. If you look in the photo, you can see many animals and arrows pointing at one another, This shows animals fighting each other. An example would be the girafee, If you look closley the photo is showing the girafee getting nutrients from the tree. This shows the girafee getting the organisms it needs in order to survive.
This statement is true. because the fish in the ocean have over the years learned to adapt and hide from predators.
They typically have a tough, spiny surface, which inspired their name (in Greek, echinos means “spiny” and derma means “skin”). They also have the unusual ability to regrow lost body parts, and sea stars and brittle stars can regrow arms if broken off or eaten
The correct answers of this question is options A and C. Types of context clues are direct explanation or variation, and restatement or synonym. Context clues are hints that a writer gives to explain a difficult word. Other types are antonyms, interference and punctuation.
is a lipid bilayer with the hydrophobic area pointing inward, and the hydrophilic area facing outward