For Absolute dating they assign a numerical date to each rock layer studied
For relative dating they go Through geological dating and stratigraphy processes. Also, they use Uranium Dating.
monomer of carbohydrates glucose,sucrose,fructose
polymer of carbohydrates starch,cellulose,glycogen
monomer of protein amino acids
polymer of protein polypeptides
monomer of nucleic acid nucleotides
polymer of nucleic acid DNA
polymer of lipids triglycerides
monomer of lipids 3 fatty acids and glycerol
Answer: Las células son las unidades de construcción más básicas de la vida. Todos los seres vivos están compuestos por células.
Lived during the time of dinosaurs.
Both types of trees have existed since the time of dinosaurs or earlier.
C. Law of segregation is the Mendel's law that states that gametes carry one allele for each trait.