The Great Wall of China is an example of a wall used to protect a place.
The Berlin Wall is an example of a wall to keep two places separate, east and west Germany.
taut rigid
stretched tight
stressed not slack
tightly stretched tense
stiff snug
contracted tightened
drawn strained
strung out tightly drawn
firm tensed
1) To start a school for girls in Parvana's house
2) Began Writing a magazine on Women's Issues and rights in Afghanistan
Answer: Jim and Huck find a quit a few number of valuables among the robbers ' bounty the Walter Scott. Mostly books, clothes and cigars. As they are resting in the woods and are waiting for nightfall before traveling again . Huck reads books from the wreck , and the 2 discuss what Huck calls their adventures, as they could easily end in his death or capture.Huck astonishes Jim with stories of kings. first reading from books and then adding some of his own, made up stories.